
In the heart of ancient India, amidst the mystic land of Ayodhya, was born a prince whose life would become a beacon of righteousness, devotion, and dharma. Bhagwan Ram, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, is not merely a historical figure but a divine embodiment of virtues and principles that guide humanity to this day. In this sacred journey, we will explore the remarkable life of Bhagwan Ram, from His divine birth to His eternal samadhi in the Surayu river, tracing His lineage to the 39th descendant of Lord Brahma and His unwavering commitment to the path of Sanatan Dharma.

The Divine Birth of Bhagwan Ram

The story of Bhagwan Ram begins with His divine birth, an event of great significance in the Hindu tradition. He was born to King Dasharatha and Queen Kaushalya of Ayodhya. However, His birth is no ordinary occurrence. It was foretold by the great sage Vasishtha, and it came to pass through a divine yajna (sacrificial ritual) performed by King Dasharatha, at the advice of Sage Vishwamitra.

Legend has it that Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, chose to descend to Earth in the form of Bhagwan Ram to vanquish the demon king Ravana and restore cosmic balance. This divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Lineage Traced to Lord Brahma

Bhagwan Ram’s lineage, traced to the 39th descendant of Lord Brahma, is a testament to His divine origins. His lineage, known as the Ikshvaku dynasty, boasts a long and illustrious history of noble rulers. Lord Ram’s ancestor, King Ikshvaku, was the first in this dynasty and a renowned monarch who upheld dharma in his rule. Bhagwan Ram, inheriting the virtues and legacy of His ancestors, would continue this tradition.

Upholding Sanatan Dharma

From His early years, Bhagwan Ram displayed unwavering devotion to the principles of Sanatan Dharma. His life was an embodiment of righteousness (dharma), duty (karma), and devotion (bhakti). He revered His parents and respected His guru, Sage Vasishtha, setting an example for all on how to fulfill their duties as children and disciples.

The legendary exile of Bhagwan Ram to the forest, which lasted for 14 years, accompanied by His wife Sita and devoted brother Lakshman, exemplifies His commitment to dharma. He chose to uphold His father’s promise, even though it meant sacrificing His rightful throne. His years in exile were a testament to His dedication to truth, justice, and self-control.

During His exile, Bhagwan Ram encountered various sages, demons, and celestial beings, further showcasing His divine wisdom and compassion. His alliance with Hanuman, the mighty monkey god, and the pivotal battle with the demon king Ravana symbolize the eternal struggle between good and evil, ultimately reaffirming the triumph of dharma.

The Epic Battle with Ravana

After Sita’s abduction by Ravana, Bhagwan Ram embarked on a relentless pursuit to rescue His beloved wife. The epic battle between Bhagwan Ram and Ravana, which ensued in Lanka, became the focal point of the Ramayana epic. It is said that this great war lasted for ten days.

During this battle, Bhagwan Ram exhibited not only His physical prowess but also His spiritual strength. He invoked Lord Brahma’s divine weapon, the Brahmastra, to vanquish Ravana’s forces. Ravana, a formidable demon king, fought valiantly, but he was no match for the divine power and righteousness of Bhagwan Ram.

In the climactic confrontation, Bhagwan Ram aimed the fatal arrow, known as the Brahmastra, at Ravana’s heart, defeating the demon king and ending his tyrannical rule. With this, dharma triumphed over adharma, and Sita was rescued, proving the victory of righteousness.

Rule of 11000 Years

After His victorious return to Ayodhya, Bhagwan Ram assumed the throne as the righteous ruler of Ayodhya. His reign is often referred to as “Ram Rajya,” a period of unparalleled peace, prosperity, and justice. His rule of 11,000 years was marked by His devotion to the welfare of His subjects, impartiality, and adherence to dharma.

Life with Sita

Bhagwan Ram’s relationship with His beloved wife, Sita, is a timeless tale of love, devotion, and unwavering trust. Sita, known for Her unparalleled beauty and virtue, stood by Her husband throughout the trials of exile. Her abduction by Ravana led to the epic battle between good and evil.

Despite facing tremendous adversity, Bhagwan Ram’s love and devotion for Sita never wavered. He displayed His unwavering commitment to dharma by undertaking the challenging task of rescuing Her from Ravana’s clutches. After Her rescue, Bhagwan Ram’s love for Sita remained pure and unshaken.

Life of Luv and Kush

After Sita’s return to Ayodhya, Bhagwan Ram welcomed Her with open arms. Soon, Sita gave birth to two sons, Luv and Kush. The upbringing of these twin brothers in the forest by Sita showcased their mother’s resilience and devotion.

The story of Luv and Kush is a testament to their exceptional qualities. They were raised with the teachings of dharma and were skilled in various arts and scriptures. Their melodious singing of the Ramayan in Ayodhya eventually led to their reunion with their father, Bhagwan Ram.

Bhagwan Ram’s love for His sons and His recognition of their lineage as His heirs emphasized the significance of family values and responsibilities in the context of dharma.

Final Samadhi in Surayu River

As His earthly mission neared its end, Bhagwan Ram, guided by Sage Vasishtha, decided to take samadhi, a voluntary departure from His mortal form, in the sacred Surayu river (now known as Sarayu). His divine departure marked the culmination of His divine journey on Earth. It is said that those who witnessed this moment were filled with both sorrow and joy, as Bhagwan Ram returned to His divine abode.

Bhagwan Ram: The Maryadapurush

Bhagwan Ram is often revered as “Maryadapurushottam,” which translates to “the perfect man” or “the embodiment of righteous conduct.” This epithet encapsulates the essence of His character and actions throughout His life. Bhagwan Ram’s unwavering commitment to dharma (righteousness) and adherence to a code of ethical conduct set Him apart as the ideal example of how a human being should live their life.

His life is marked by the utmost respect for societal norms and values. His respect for His parents, devotion to His wife, Sita, loyalty to His brothers, and adherence to His duties as a king demonstrate His commitment to the maryada (boundaries) of righteousness and morality. Even in the face of adversity, He remained steadfast in His principles and never deviated from the path of dharma. Thus, Bhagwan Ram is rightly referred to as the “Maryadapurush.”

Suryavanshi Raja Ram:

Bhagwan Ram is commonly associated with the “Raghuvanshi” lineage, tracing His ancestry to King Raghu. This lineage is considered a sub-dynasty of the larger “Suryavanshi” lineage, which is believed to be descended from the solar deity, Surya. Therefore, Bhagwan Ram is often referred to as “Raghuvanshi,” signifying His lineage through King Raghu, but He is also part of the broader “Suryavanshi” lineage, as Surya is considered one of His ancestors.

The connection to the “Suryavanshi” lineage is significant because it underscores the divine heritage of Bhagwan Ram, as Surya is a revered celestial entity in Hindu mythology. This lineage symbolizes His divine connection and His role as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, who is the preserver of the universe.

In conclusion, Bhagwan Ram’s  life continues to serve as an inspiration for all, guiding us on the path of dharma and moral rectitude.


The journey of Bhagwan Ram is a timeless saga of devotion, righteousness, and unwavering commitment to Sanatan Dharma. His divine birth, lineage tracing back to Lord Brahma, and His rule of 11,000 years as a just and virtuous king continue to inspire millions to follow the path of dharma. Bhagwan Ram’s life is a divine testament to the enduring principles of truth, love, and duty, and His story continues to be a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration for people worldwide, reminding us of the eternal values that govern our lives.